
Female AthleteTriad ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The  female  athlete  triad  (triad)  refers  to  the  co-occurrence  of  three  interrelated  conditions:  low energy  availability,  menstrual  dysfunction,  and low  bone-mineral  density Factors  within  sport and  exercise  environments  can  increase  the  risk of  developing  these  conditions.  Though  the  prevalence  of  the  full  triad  is  low,  many  girls  and women  will  experience  one  or  two  of 

Female Audiences

The ways in which “the audience” has been conceptualized have moved, historically, through an arc from passive to active to interactive, and the embodied audience has become fragmented as the media industry tries to deliver niche audiences to particular advertisers. One such segmented audience is that of the group “women,” even though an archetypal “woman”

Female Masculinity

Female masculinity refers to a range of masculine inflected identities and identifications. Debates over the status and meaning of female masculinity and the bodies and selves to whom the terms may be ascribed emerge in the context of analyses of sex, gender, and sexuality. Research in social and cultural history has documented the lives of

Female Suicide and Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a factor in up to one-quarter of female suicide attempts. Female victims of domestic violence have eight times the risk for suicide compared with the general population. Fifty percent of battered women who attempt suicide undertake subsequent attempts. Married females experience lower suicide rates compared with single females; however, if domestic violence

Female AthleteTriad

The  female  athlete  triad  (triad)  refers  to  the  co-occurrence  of  three  interrelated  conditions:  low energy  availability,  menstrual  dysfunction,  and low  bone-mineral  density Factors  within  sport and  exercise  environments  can  increase  the  risk of  developing  these  conditions.  Though  the  prevalence  of  the  full  triad  is  low,  many  girls  and women  will  experience  one  or  two  of 

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