
Forms of Media Corporations

Just as there are numerous kinds of media – from electronic to print, local to worldwide – so too are there many different forms of media corporations. There are corporations that are vast multinational conglomerates operating in unrelated industries and spanning the globe, and those that focus on a single medium in a solitary market.

Forms of Expert Psychological Testimony

Expert evidence comes to court in a variety of forms and, in particular, at a couple of levels of generality. It often involves general research findings that, although relevant to a particular case, also transcend that case. General research findings will sometimes be used in the establishment of applicable law and decided by judges but

Forms of Family

Although efforts toward a cross-cultural definition of family are beset by difficulty and disagreement, in anthropological writings, different congregations of kin and affines (i.e., people related through marriage) have been labeled as specific forms of family, changing as new theories of kinship, marriage, or gender have been developed. It has been shown that great social

Forms of Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence is a phrase that refers to acts of violence such as unwanted physical or sexual force, withholding of or damage to material or property, and psychological abuse which are inflicted by one person against his or her intimate partner as part of an ongoing pattern of abuse or controlling tactics. Occurring within

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