
Freedom of Communication

The annaliste historian Fernand Braudel asserts that dealing with the concept of liberty, “in all its connotations including ‘taking liberties,’ ” is the distinguishing mark of western civilization, the socio-political problem that most persistently occurs from the fifth century to the present. The liberty to communicate, to impart and receive information of all kinds, is

Freedom of the Press

Virtually since the dawn of civilization and the establishment of authority-wielding institutions, what people can say and write has been challenged. There is a universal impulse to control expression, particularly statements or opinions contrary to the views, policies, or dogma of those in power. As is typical within repressive regimes, a justification for the suppression

Freedom of Information

During the latter half of the twentieth century, the world’s established democratic nations – along with those nations seeking to adopt democratic principles – experienced a sea change in governance with the rise of transparency, the idea that the workings of government should be visible. This global movement is grounded in the accountability principle of

Fair Trial and Freedom of the Press

Fair trial and freedom of the press concerns how to balance the right of a free press and the defendant’s right to a fair trial. News reporting on judicial proceedings helps the public understand the legal procedure better and contributes to the public’s right to know about the working of the justice system. The media

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