
Neuropsychological Functioning

Neuropsychology is the study of brain-behavior relationships through objective, scientific methods. The main goal in neuropsychology is to understand how the brain produces and controls behavior and mental processes, including emotions, cognition, and consciousness. This goal is met by studying both healthy and damaged brain systems using objective measures to link biological and behavioral domains.

Differential Item Functioning

Differential item functioning (DIF) is the preferred psychometric term for what is otherwise known as item bias. An item displays DIF when test takers possessing the same amount of an ability or trait, but belonging to different subgroups, do not share the same likelihood of correctly answering the item. Thus, differentially functioning items elicit different

Executive Functioning

As we grow, our brain continues to develop through adolescence. We know that while different areas in the brain are associated with various abilities, it is with the frontal lobes, located in the newest, outer layer of the brain and which Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, a leading expert in the field, describes as the instrument, and

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