
Attitude Functions

The functional approach to attitudes specifies that people hold attitudes because those attitudes serve a purpose. Functions address the psychological motivations why individuals hold their attitudes. Initial theorizing about attitude functions assumed that an attitude served a primary function. Shavitt (1990) demonstrated that although certain attitude objects (e.g., air conditioners) lend themselves to one primary

Police Functions Associated With Terrorism

Terrorism has quickly emerged as a primary problem for law enforcement administrators and personnel working at both the federal and local levels. The frightening reality of homegrown terror became clear after the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The subsequent and stunningly successful attacks on the World Trade Center and the

Production Functions for Medical Services – Health Economics – iResearchNet

Production function studies in health economics have taken three divergent approaches. Some of these studies focus on the production function for general and regress health (such as reduced mortality) against a variety of factors. Another strand examines the technological relationship between medical care and the inputs that are used to produce medical care. A third

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