
Group Identity

Group Identity Definition Group identity refers to a person’s sense of belonging to a particular group. At its core, the concept describes social influence within a group. This influence may be based on some social category or on interpersonal interaction among group members. On one hand, if we consider the case of athletic teams, a

Group Performance

Task performance or the outcome of some behavioral or intellectual goal is a key function of many groups. Task-performing groups include various decision-making groups, sports teams, and work teams. One would expect groups to benefit from their multiple and potentially complementary skills. It is true that the more able or skilled the group or team

Group Polarization

Group Polarization Definition Group polarization occurs when discussion leads a group to adopt attitudes or actions that are more extreme than the initial attitudes or actions of the individual group members. Note that group polarization can happen in the direction of either riskiness (risky shift) or conservativeness. One example is the way in which unruly

Minimal Group Paradigm

Minimal Group Paradigm Definition The minimal group paradigm is a procedure that researchers use to create new social groups in the laboratory. The goal is to categorize individuals into groups based on minimal criteria that are relatively trivial or arbitrary. For example, the classic procedure involves asking participants to rate paintings made by two artists

Experimental Group

To understand the function of an experimental group, one must first know what an experiment is, since that is the context in which experimental groups are found. An experiment is one of the techniques available to researchers in their study of human development. This research method attempts to determine the effect of one (or more)

Group Therapy

Group Therapy Definition Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where one or more therapists treat a small group of clients together. Group therapy, like individual psychotherapy, is intended to help people who would like to improve their ability to cope with difficulties and problems in their lives. The therapist uses the emotional interactions of

Realistic Group Conflict Theory

Between the borders of Pakistan and India lies a fertile valley known as Kashmir. Since 1947, India and Pakistan have fought three wars over this valuable territory. Unfortunately, the wars have contributed to hostilities and prejudice experienced by people on both sides. These tensions can be described by the realistic group conflict theory (RGCT). RGCT

Support Group

The  term  support  group  refers  to  all  those  supportive  and  potentially  supportive  people  in  an athlete’s  or  exerciser’s  environment  (e.g.,  parents, siblings,  friends,  peers,  teammates,  coaches,  exercise  leaders,  athletic  trainers,  physiotherapists, physiologists,  psychologists).  This  topic  has  been implicated  widely  within  sport  and  exercise  psychology (SEP) and has been noted to explain nearly a  quarter  of 

Group Therapy: Techniques and Outcomes

This article delves into the multifaceted realm of group therapy within the context of health psychology, offering an in-depth exploration of its techniques and outcomes. The introduction provides a concise overview of group therapy’s pivotal role in treating diverse health conditions, setting the stage for an extensive analysis. The first section meticulously examines the techniques

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