
Hazing Laws

Hazing can be defined as a rite of passage wherein new members of a particular group are taken through traditional practices by more senior members so as to initiate them into the next stage of their involvement in the group. The term “hazing” can also be referred to as initiations, initiation rites, and initiation rituals.

Hazing in High School

Hazing is the process of initiating new recruits into a particular group by way of some challenge or request. These challenges or requests are intended to humiliate or degrade the new recruit. Hazing might include physical or emotional degradation, such as being denied privileges, being forced to perform menial tasks, being called names, and even

Hazing in College

While definitions of hazing can vary, they typically include two main elements: (1) the initiation of new members of a particular group by more senior members and (2) activities that result in physical, psychological, and/or emotional harm. Hazing is a form of power exerted by senior members of a group over new members wishing to

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