
Certification of Public Health Workers – Health Research

 /  Certification of Public Health Workers Since public health has such a broad scope, public health workers need many different skills. Most public health workers, however, have not been trained to deal with the problems they will face in the twenty-first century. The types of knowledge needed for the practice of public health include: 1)

Council on Education for Public Health – Health Research

 /  Council on Education for Public Health The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is the recognized accrediting body for graduate schools of public health and graduate public health programs in U.S. institutions of higher education. Established in 1974 as an independent not-for-profit corporation, the council assumed the accreditation function from the American Public

Public Health Leadership – Health Research

 /  Public Health Leadership Leadership is the process through which an individual tries to influence another individual or a group of individuals to accomplish a goal. Leadership is valued in our culture, especially when it helps to achieve goals that are beneficial to the population, such as the enactment of effective preventive health policies. An

Public Health Nursing – Health Research

Public health nursing is a specialized form of registered nursing that combines nursing and public health principles. According to the American Public Health Association, the primary focus of public health nursing is improving the health of the community as a whole rather than just that of an individual or family. Public health nursing is sometimes

Training for Public Health – Health Research

Preparation for a career in public health usually requires formal training at the graduate level, typically resulting in a Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree. Career options for a person with an M.P.H. are varied, and there are many types of organizations that employ public health professionals. Historically, these have included mainly federal, state, and

Health and Race

Race interacts with health just as it does with other life determining, sociodemographic factors like class, gender, and age. Race is best understood as a shared set of cultural and social experiences common to people of the same skin color. Research has shown that the notion of distinct biological races is misleading because often more

Health Action Process Approach

Theories  of  health  behavior  change  are  needed to   explain,   predict,   and   improve   self-regulation  of  physical  activity.  Such  theories  are  being divided  into  continuum  models  and  stage  models.  In  continuum  models,  people  are  positioned along a range that reflects the likelihood of action. Influential  predictor  variables  are  identified  and combined  within  one  prediction  equation.  The goal

Health Belief Model Theory

The   health   belief   model,   grounded   in   John Atkinson’s  expectancy–value  theory  of  achievement  motivation,  proposes  that  people  are  rational decision makers who, during decision making, take into consideration advantages and disadvantages associated with physical activity. The theory also posits that motivation is unidimensional and that  the  construct  of  intentions,  which  represents motivation,  is  one  of  the 

Health Disclosure in the Digital Age

In the era of the digital age, the landscape of health disclosure has undergone a profound transformation, shaping the dynamics of communication and information sharing within online spaces. This article delves into the intricate intersection of health psychology and digital platforms, exploring the evolving nature of health disclosure in the digital age. The introduction sets

Health Disparities and Racial Discrimination

The article explores the intricate relationship between health disparities and racial discrimination within the field of health psychology. The introduction delineates the significance of addressing health disparities and outlines the pervasive influence of racial discrimination in healthcare. The first section delves into the conceptual framework of health disparities, elucidating their measurement, and exploring multifaceted contributing

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