
Health Psychology in Asthma Interventions

This article delves into the crucial role of health psychology in asthma interventions, examining the complex interplay between psychosocial factors and asthma outcomes. Beginning with an exploration of the prevalence and impact of asthma, the introduction sets the stage for an in-depth investigation into the multifaceted relationships between stress, anxiety, and asthma symptoms. The first

Mental Health and Coronary Artery Disease

This article explores the intricate interplay between mental health and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) within the realm of health psychology. The introduction outlines the significance of understanding psychological factors in CAD, setting the stage for a detailed examination in three key areas. The first section investigates how mental health factors, including depression, anxiety, stress, and

Health Belief Model

The Health Belief Model (HBM) was originally developed in the 1950s as a way of understanding apparent resistance to seeking preventive treatment in the form of inoculations and screenings for communicable diseases. It can be described as an organizing framework for predicting acceptance of public and individualized health behavior recommendations. Thus, it appears to have

Mental Health Law Topics

Mental health law was first conceived as a separate field of law in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Before then, laws certainly existed on various topics later subsumed within mental health law. These included the law governing civil commitment, guardianship, the legal insanity defense, and incompetency to stand trial, among others. The common law

Mental Health Consultation

This article explores the critical role of mental health consultation within the field of school psychology. It delves into the historical foundations, theoretical underpinnings, and the process of conducting mental health consultation in educational settings. Highlighting the impact of mental health consultation on students’ well-being, academic success, and school climate, the article emphasizes the need

Mental Health Courts

Mental health courts are specialty criminal courts with a separate docket to deal with mentally ill persons, who are disproportionately arrested and incarcerated. Established by local court and criminal justice officials who recognized that traditional prosecution and punishment were not effective deterrents with this population, these courts divert mentally ill defendants into community treatment with

Mental Health Needs

Recently, researchers and juvenile justice administrators have recognized that rates of mental health disorders are remarkably high among adolescent offenders. This finding carries significant implications for policy and practice. Youth justice facilities are mandated to provide necessary mental health treatment to detained adolescent offenders with mental health needs. Furthermore, mental disorders may interfere with youths’

Health Insurance

Health insurance often seems confusing and can be difficult to navigate for even the most knowledgeable consumer. It is one of the most talked about topics in political elections and has received considerable media attention because of the rules and restrictions placed on people who have insurance and the plight of the growing numbers of

Women’s Health in Marginalized Communities

This article explores the multifaceted challenges surrounding women’s health in marginalized communities within the framework of health psychology. Beginning with an examination of the socio-economic determinants influencing health disparities, the discussion explores issues of access to healthcare, educational inequalities, and income disparities. Subsequently, the article explores specific health concerns affecting women in marginalized communities, emphasizing

Public Health Approaches to Addiction

This article explores the imperative of adopting public health approaches to address the multifaceted challenge of addiction. Beginning with an examination of the epidemiology of addiction, the first section delves into prevalence rates, risk and protective factors, and the broad impact of addiction on public health. Subsequently, the article navigates through prominent public health models

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