
Healthy Diet for April 17 – 24-Carrot Health ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Did you know that feathery fresh carrot tops were worn to adorn hair in Shakespeare’s day? Today it’s carrots’ vibrant orange pigment, known as carotene, that’s getting attention. Beta carotene turns into vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant vitamin. New research suggests that carrots’ carotenoids may also reduce cancer risk, slow aging, and reduce some diabetes-related

Healthy Diet for April 19 – Juicy Ideas ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do fruit drinks have the same nourishment you expect from fruit juice? Only “100 percent juice” means full fruit nutrition. “Juice drinks” and “juice cocktails” are diluted juice, perhaps fortified, with added sweeteners that may boost calories. That said, tart juices, such as cranberry, need a little sweetener or diluting to taste good. And “fruit

Healthy Diet for April 20 – “Veg Out” ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

You’ve heard: Eat “five to nine a day” veggies and fruits—three to five vegetable and two to four fruit servings daily. Why? Vegetables and fruits are: Low in calories and fat (unless fried or drizzled with butter, creamy sauce, or high-fat dressing). Their fats are mostly unsaturated, so healthier for your heart. Cholesterol free, like

Healthy Diet for April 21 – “Soul” Food ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

What foods bring you comfort? Meatloaf and mashed potatoes? Pizza with the “works”? Mom’s lasagna? Likely some foods enjoyed during your youth conjure up warm, soothing feelings. There’s no specific list of comfort foods. We each have our own. So, is indulging in comfort foods okay? Sure – if it doesn’t lead to emotional overeating

Healthy Diet for April 22 – Second Time Around ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Your resources count! This Earth Day celebrate your health and the planet’s health by properly storing and creatively using leftovers. Refrigerate leftovers: within two hours if they’re at room temperature; one hour if the temperature is 90°F or more. Put leftovers in shallow pans so they chill faster. Use refrigerated leftovers within a safe time.

Healthy Diet for April 23 – Nuts about Almonds ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

In a nutshell, just a single ounce of almonds (20 to 25 almonds) is flavor-packed, convenient, and good for you. (See March 8.) Here’s what’s inside: Vitamin E: protection from cancer, heart disease, and cataracts. (Tip: You get one-third of a day’s vitamin E from an ounce of almonds.) Folate: heart-health benefits, too, and it

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