
Workplace Injuries

The term workplace injury refers to any wound or damage to the human body as a consequence of an event or a series of events in the work environment. Events in this definition refer to the manner in which the injury was produced, such as a fall from a ladder or a series of events

PTSD and Accidental Injuries

This article explores the intricate relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and accidental injuries within the realm of health psychology. Beginning with a nuanced examination of PTSD’s nature, diagnostic criteria, and neurobiological underpinnings, the first section establishes a foundational understanding. The subsequent segment delves into the psychological consequences of accidental injuries, identifying common causes, impacts


Injuries have a significant impact on development beginning in infancy, reaching a peak during the adolescent and young adult years, but persisting in importance throughout the life span. Most experts no longer use the term “accidents,” when referring to these events. Based on its Latin roots, accident refers to an event that happens unexpectedly or

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