
Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a concept that has caught the attention of researchers, practitioners, and the general public over the last decade. The idea that career development involves not only a cognitive but also an affective component has been promoted in recent years. Popular books discuss the importance of EI for success in academic and

Intelligence, Schooling, and Occupational Success

Research relating educational attainment to earnings has consistently found dramatic benefits for employees with increased schooling. Over their lifetimes, high school graduates will earn $212,000 more than nongraduates, and each additional year of school attainment beyond high school is associated with increasing income. For example, college graduates will, over their lifetimes, earn $812,000 more than

Wechsler Intelligence Scales

The Wechsler Intelligence Scales consist of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). These are the most widely taught, used, and researched contemporary measures of human intelligence. Each Wechsler test consists of extensive interaction between a test taker and

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale is an individually administered assessment of intelligence and cognitive abilities. The Stanford-Binet has a wide variety of uses, including school placement, determining the presence of a learning disability or developmental delay, and tracking intellectual development. Although undergoing various revisions, this assessment tool is the oldest and most influential test of its


Intelligence is a concept that is believed to be made up of a set of complex behaviors. It is described as the ability to problem solve, to perceive objects in one’s environment, to understand spatial relationships, to remember, classify, calculate, and reason. It is analogous with cognition, a mental quality comprising one’s ability to learn

Intelligence Tests

Intelligence is a concept whose meaning has been fashioned by the discipline of psychology. Psychologists view intelligence as a set of mental abilities that are inferred from an individual’s performance on an intelligence test. In defining intelligence as one or more abilities, psychologists seek to demarcate it from the accumulation of specific knowledge to which

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the capability of devices or mechanisms and machinery to perform functions usually associated with human intelligence, including scientific systems, reasoning, optimization through experience, and automated motor systems. The American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is dedicated “to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to reason with, and about, emotions. This is the ability model of emotional intelligence developed by psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer in 1990. However, since that time, emotional intelligence has come to mean many different things to both the public and to researchers. Some popular approaches to emotional

Practical Intelligence

The concept of practical intelligence reflects the idea that there might be some ability besides general mental abilities g), some street smarts or common sense that predicts how successfully individuals handle situations in their actual lives in the form of appropriate responses, given facts and circumstances as they are discovered, and considering a person’s short-

Cognition/Intelligence Assessment

The assessment of intelligence has a long and colorful history, and its development mirrors the development of psychology as a field. From the early work of Francis Galton and James McKean Cattell to the seminal contributions of Charles Spearman and David Wechsler to the contemporary work of Alan and Nadeen Kaufman, Jack Naglieri, and many

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