
Intergenerational Transfer of Domestic Violence

Each year, millions experience violence in their intimate relationships; most cases are of infrequent and noninjurious incidents, but an alarming number also experience physically and psychologically traumatic violence at the hands of a partner (Straus and Gelles 1990; Tjaden and Thoennes 1998). Clinicians, advocates, and social scientists have long cautioned the public health significance of

Intergenerational Communication

The term “intergenerational communication” applies to interactions involving individuals who are from different age cohorts or age groups. Families provide ready examples of individuals whose communication would be classified as intergenerational: parent and child, grandparent and grandchild, aunt and niece, to name a few. These interactions stand in contrast to intragenerational communication or communication between

Intergenerational Effects On Health – Health Economics – iResearchNet

 /  Intergenerational Effects On Health Introduction Today an understanding of health is not complete without considering the role of in utero and intergenerational effects. The recent popularity of the fetal origins hypothesis, asserting that early life influences through the fetal environment (e.g., nutritional deprivation) have latent long-run effects on health, has nudged economists to think

Intergenerational Relationships

Intergenerational relationships refer to ties between individuals or groups of different ages. Sweeping changes in American family structure, especially since World War II, have dramatically altered ties between generations for older and younger generations  alike.  Many  intergenerational  ties  now last longer than at any time in the past. As social networks contract due to loss

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