
NAFTA and International Communication

Media flows between countries have always been controversial. Fears of cultural consequences if imbalances occur and concerns about the symbolic value of cultural and media products have historically been at the heart of academic and political debates as well as public policies from governments. These dimensions of culture and media have generated great numbers of

International Communication Agencies

Several emerging and existing international communication agencies spearhead the governance of the global media and communications environment. International communication agencies have both specialized and collective responsibilities to advance multilateral and multi-stakeholder cooperation and collaboration on the broad issues of global media governance, including the development of regulation instruments and guidelines for intellectual property, media concentration

International News Reporting

International news reporting evolved with the advent of the telegraph in the mid-1800s. The explosion of foreign news that followed largely supported the colonial empires; it also focused on international conflicts involving them (while all but ignoring others). The concept of international reporting is itself contentious, beginning with the definition of “news.” Galtung and Ruge

International Radio

Since radio broadcasting was launched shortly after World War I, it has served two culturally different, almost paradoxical, functions in relation to its distribution. On the one hand, it turned out to be one of the more effective instruments in the nation-building process, and on the other it was from its initial years distributed on

Internet: International Regulation

The first 25 years of Internet governance began with technicians at the helm. The 1990s saw an emerging struggle over the US government’s escalating attempts to dominate the Internet. Initial opposition came from the Internet’s technical community, but later a number of national governments also began to challenge the US strategy. The European Union (EU)

International Careers

Most employees used to have chiefly domestic careers in which, in the main, they did not carry out international, across-country work. The exceptions were the small number of employees, or “expatriates,” deployed by their organizations on assignments abroad. By contrast, many employees now carry out international work in their jobs, and their careers are more

International Organizations

When the United States decided to reverse the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, it did not act unilaterally. It turned to the United Nations Security Council. When the Security Council sought to learn the extent of chemical, biological, and nuclear arms in Iraq, it did not rely on U.S. forces. It dispatched inspectors from the International

International Comparison of Media Use

Mass media content is created for audience consumption. Without at least a small audience, the communication process remains unilateral and incomplete. Despite its relevance for media production, regulation, and marketing, data on media use is systematically collected only in a few (mostly western) countries of the world. Hence the international comparison of media use patterns

International Terrorism

The term ”terrorism” emerged in the aftermath of the French Revolution and was used to describe aggressive methods (arrests and executions) employed by the Jacobins against opponents and ”enemies of state” in 1793-1794. Yet, the phenomena it is commonly meant to describe are centuries old. Politically motivated violence was not always regarded as negative or undesirable.

International Courts

The term international courts covers many institutions with different structures and functions. Common among them is that they adjudicate disputes based upon principles of law rather than the wealth or political power of participants and thus are judicial bodies. Another commonality is that they have been created by agreements between states and are therefore international.

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