
Interracial Unions

Interracial unions refer to romantic relationships between people of different racial categories. Generally, the term indicates married (and hence, heterosexual) status, as it is more feasible to identify and carry out social research on this population than non married, non-cohabiting, and/or same sex interracial couples. Sociological inquiry of racial intermarriage stems from the study of

Interracial Comfort

Interracial comfort is described as the comfort level that a person feels around members of a race different from his or her own. Interracial comfort can be measured as awareness of the person, the presence or absence of anxiety about the other person, and the ability to go about the task at hand without being

Interracial Marriage

Interracial marriage is defined as a matrimonial union between members of two different races. It can be seen as a form of miscegenation (i.e., mixing of different races) or exogamy (i.e., a union outside of one’s social group), depending on whether race or culture is applied to the definition. Race is a term intended to

Interracial Marriages

Interracial  relationships  have  existed  for  years, though society traditionally has had difficulty accepting these unions. Over the years, attitudes toward interracial relationships have changed dramatically and will likely continue to change as our society becomes increasingly diverse. An  interracial  marriage  is  generally  defined  as the union between two individuals who come from different racial/ethnic backgrounds

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