
Healthy Diet for January 28 – Plum Good ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Prunes have a new name: dried plums! With it comes new data. Great-tasting dried plums offer more health benefits than just keeping your body regular. Dried plums score high in antioxidants, plant substances that may help protect you from heart disease and some cancers. They’re also good sources of fiber (soluble and insoluble)—3 grams in

Healthy Diet for January 11 – Say OK to Oats ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

What’s for breakfast on this cold, winter morning? How about instant oatmeal, crunchy oat cereal, or an oat bran muffin? No matter how you eat them, oats offer benefits beyond their hearty taste. A good source of soluble fiber, oats are well known for their heart-healthy benefits, which include lowering blood cholesterol. What’s more, the

Healthy Diet for January 13 – Valued Customer ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Shopping for value? Value isn’t necessarily “supersized” or how much your food dollar buys. True value is the quality and health benefits that your food and drink choices impart. For the best value for your food dollar: Buy canned or dried beans. Beans are an inexpensive protein food, loaded with fiber and other phytonutrients. Fill

Healthy Diet for January 16 – Eye on Size ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

How much is a food-group serving? It’s not necessarily a helping, a plateful, a small garnish, or the entire contents of one food package. It is a specific, standardized amount of food, meant to help you judge your own portions and estimate how much you eat. Your portion may measure as more or less than

Healthy Diet for January 17 – Cho-LESS-terol ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do you know your vital signs for heart health: your cholesterol levels and your blood pressure? For total cholesterol level, normal is less than 200 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). The higher your level, the greater your risks for heart attack or stroke. So, even if your cholesterol level is borderline high (200 to 239 mg/dL)

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