
Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) is an interdisciplinary approach to the study and practice of law and the role of legal actors. It aims to focus on the often underappreciated aspect of the law and legal actors’ role in producing therapeutic or antitherapeutic consequences. It is a normative framework that advocates the use of the social sciences

Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Since the early 1990s, scholars have begun to consider mental disability law issues through the filter of therapeutic jurisprudence, a model by which to assess the impact of case law and legislation affecting persons with mental disabilities. Therapeutic jurisprudence studies the role of the law as a therapeutic agent, recognizing that judicial decisions and statutes

Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Since the early 1990s, scholars have begun to consider mental disability law issues through the filter of therapeutic jurisprudence, a model by which to assess the impact of case law and legislation affecting persons with mental disabilities. Therapeutic jurisprudence studies the role of the law as a therapeutic agent, recognizing that judicial decisions and statutes

Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) is an interdisciplinary approach to the study and practice of law and the role of legal actors. It aims to focus on the often underappreciated aspect of the law and legal actors’ role in producing therapeutic or antitherapeutic consequences. It is a normative framework that advocates the use of the social sciences

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