
Laboratory Experiment

Research utilizing experimentation is undertaken in a variety of contexts and settings. Decisions concerning the circumstances under which to conduct an experiment typically reflect a combination of considerations including the nature of the research question, the availability of research resources, and the researcher’s interest in balancing concerns about the validity and the generalizability of subsequent

Medical Laboratory Technician Career

Medical laboratory technicians, also known as clinical laboratory technicians, perform routine tests in medical laboratories. These tests help physicians and other pro­fessional medical personnel diagnose and treat disease. Technicians prepare samples of body tissue; perform laboratory tests, such as urinalysis and blood counts; and make chemical and biological analyses of cells, tissue, blood, or other

Ophthalmic Laboratory Technician Career

Ophthalmic laboratory technicians make prescription eyeglass lenses. Also known as manufacturing opticians, optical goods workers, or optical mechanics, they cut, grind, edge, and finish lenses according to instructions provided by dispensing opticians, optometrists, or oph­thalmologists. Though some lenses still are produced by hand, technicians increasingly use computerized tech­nology to manufacture lenses. There are approximately 25,000

Photographic Laboratory Worker Career

Photographic laboratory workers develop black-and-white and color film, using chemical baths or printing machines. They mount slides as well as sort and package finished photographic prints. Some of these laboratory workers are known as darkroom technicians, film labora­tory technicians, and developers. There are 32,000 photo­graphic process workers and 54,000 photographic processing machine operators employed in

Laboratory Studies

The most prominent laboratory studies – produced in the late 1970s and early 1980s -continued a trend in the sociology of science and technology away from attention to the institutional character of science and toward a sociological understanding of the process of knowledge production itself and the ”technical core” of science. To comprehend the process

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