
Meave Epps Leakey

Meave Leakey seems to have the philosophy that if we can understand our past, we should be in a better position to understand our future. Such a view might not be the only reason for looking backward for what we can find out about ourselves today, but most would agree that it is a good

Richard Leakey

The paleontologist Richard Leakey was born and raised in Kenya, son of the famous paleontologist team, Louis and Mary Leakey. Influenced by his dynamic parents, the value of a traditional English education waned in the face of both adventures of new hominid discoveries and the diversity of life found in the African environment. After successful

Mary D. Leakey

Some academicians may believe that only one who has had extensive formal training in a profession can make a substantial contribution to it. However, the numerous and important achievements of Mary D. Leakey invalidate this view because she never obtained a formal degree in her area of specialty, although she did receive a number of

Louis S. B. Leakey

The English anthropologist Louis Leakey was known primarily for his discovery of Proconsul africanus, his interpretation of Zinjanthropus, his announcing the discovery of Homo habilis, and his great influence on primatology. Born in 1903 at Kabete Mission, Kenya, Leakey benefited from two distinct cultures: the English culture that was provided by his parents, Harry and

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