
Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory 2.0 (YLS/CMI 2.0)

The Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory 2.0 (YLS/CMI 2.0) is a standardized instrument designed to help professionals assess risk and treatment needs in juvenile offenders. The instrument is primarily used to assist in developing intervention and treatment plans in probation and custody settings, but it is also useful in making decisions regarding pretrial diversion

Level of Service Inventory (LSI)

The Level of Service Inventory (LSI) is a risk assessment instrument that was designed to identify adult offenders’ likelihood of reoffending. As such, it is one of a number of offender risk assessment tools that are now used by a wide range of correctional, forensic, and mental health professionals who are given the difficult task

Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R)

The Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) is a risk assessment instrument designed to identify adult offenders’ likelihood of reoffending and is widely used in corrections. The instrument has been built on extensive empirical evidence about offender risk factors and pilot-tested extensively prior to its formal release. The LSI-R is part of a new, third generation

Level of Service Inventory-Self-Report (LSI-SR)

The Level of Service Inventory-Self-Report (LSISR) is a pencil-and-paper, self-report version of the LSI (i.e., a risk assessment instrument that was designed to identify adult offenders’ likelihood of reoffending) and its subsequently published version, the LSI-R. Originally known simply as the Self-Report Inventory and sometimes referred to as the LSI-R:SR, the LSI-SR was developed by

Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI)

The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is one of the Level of Service Inventory (LSI) instruments. It is an example of a fourth generation offender risk/need assessment scale and is distinguished from previous generation instruments by the fact that it was not only designed to predict offender recidivism but also includes a built-in case

Home Workout Level One: Bodyweight Exercises – Men’s Fitness – Lifestyle

The High Intensity Home workouts will serve two purposes. It will be for those with no desire to go to the gym and act as a backup workout for those who travel. My favorite High Intensity technique for home workouts is static contractions. “Statics,” as we refer to them, involve no movement. You simply get

Home Workout Level 2: Dumbbell Routine – Men’s Fitness – Lifestyle

Home Workout Level Two: High Intensity Dumbbell Routine Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Treadmill, or Elliptical Machine (optional) Number of Exercises: 9 Total Workout Time: 90 seconds Bodyparts Worked: Total Body Frequency: 3 times per week At level two, we will kick it up a notch by adding dumbbells to the routine. Remember that anytime you increase

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