
MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research (MacCAT-CR)

The MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research (MacCAT-CR) provides a semi-structured assessment format for evaluating abilities related to the decisional capacity of subjects in clinical research. Four component abilities of a decisional capacity standard are assessed: understanding, appreciation, reasoning, and choice. Administration of the instrument begins with the disclosure of selected information about a

MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA)

Mental health professionals often conduct evaluations to assist courts in determining whether a criminal defendant is competent to participate in the adjudicatory process. A variety of instruments have been developed to help structure these forensic assessments; this entry describes one of the more contemporary competence assessment instruments, the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA). In

MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Treatment (MacCAT-T)

The MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Treatment (MacCAT-T) is an instrument designed to assess decision-making capacity. Designed as part of the MacArthur Competence Treatment Competence Study, a multiyear, multisite effort named for the well-known philanthropic foundation, the tool operationalizes established elements of competent decisions. The semistructured instrument, which can be completed within 20 to 30

MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study

Violence risk assessment is now widely assumed by policy makers and the public to be a core skill of the mental health professions and plays a pivotal role in mental health law throughout the world. Dangerousness to others is a principal standard for inpatient commitment, outpatient commitment, and commitment to a forensic hospital. The imposition

MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study

Violence risk assessment is now widely assumed by policy makers and the public to be a core skill of the mental health professions and plays a pivotal role in mental health law throughout the world. Dangerousness to others is a principal standard for inpatient commitment, outpatient commitment, and commitment to a forensic hospital. The imposition

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