
Media Marketing

In an age of rapid technological innovation it would seem counterintuitive to assume that marketing and advertising techniques would remain stagnant; to survive and prosper, as in all aspects of business, marketers need to adapt their strategies and activities and advertisers need to evolve in terms of style, content, and media application. Media, both as

Cross-Media Marketing

Marketing refers to activities that promote and organize the distribution and sales of products to consumers. Specifying “cross-media” focuses on those activities that involve multiple media. As such, the term “cross-media marketing” can be used to describe two somewhat related phenomena: general marketing and promotion activities that cross media boundaries; and efforts to increase sales

Social Marketing And Message Framing ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Social  marketing  employs  commercial  marketing strategies  to  try  to  solve  social  problems  and  to effect  voluntary  behavior  change.  An  important aspect  of  social  marketing  is  message  framing,  which is the tone or valence in which the information related to the behavior is conveyed. This entry discusses  social  marketing  and  message  framing in the context of

Advertising and Marketing Career Field

From the street cries of merchants selling their wares to today’s sophisticated electronic means of reaching customers, advertising has experienced a dramatic evolution. In its earliest days, advertising allowed merchants to go from street to shop, adopting symbols and later written signs to show the goods and services they offered. With the invention of paper

Integrated Marketing Communications

In the 1960s, Chevrolet spent almost its entire US television media budget on one program – the Dinah Shore Show. At that time prime-time viewers had only three network channels to choose from and an advertiser could reach 80 percent of US households on any given evening by running commercials on CBS, NBC, and ABC


Commonly, people associate selling and advertising with marketing. In the old interpretation, this understanding of marketing was quite right, as marketing primarily comprised making a sale. But today, there is more to marketing than selling, promoting, advertising, and publicizing. Selling and advertising are only two of the many tasks of marketing management. Briefly, marketing is

Marketing: Communication Tools

For the sponsoring organization, the role of marketing communications includes distributing information, promoting image and reputation, creating and stabilizing product and service demand, emphasizing features and benefits, providing competitive differentiation, generating sales leads, ensuring customer retention and loyalty, and motivating staff. To accomplish these and other objectives, there are many marketing communication tools available. They

Social Marketing

Social marketing is a tool or framework that “relies on multiple scientific disciplines to create programs designed to influence human behavior on a large scale” (Smith 2006, 138). It traces its roots to an article written in the 1950s by the sociologist G. D. Wiebe, who “expressed concern that marketing was not being applied to

Political Marketing

Political marketing arose when, in the middle of the twentieth century, the methods developed by commercial marketing specialists were adopted for political campaigning. Political marketing replaced unilateral propaganda exactly as commercial advertising has become a plain subsidiary of commercial marketing. Political marketing is considered as one of the most demanding applications of political communication research.

Marketing, Sales, and Service Career Cluster

Marketing is anticipating what customers need, and then directing goods and services— and information about those goods and services—from producer to customer to satisfy those needs. Marketers work with advertising professionals to determine how ads should look, where they should be placed, and when the advertising should begin. Marketing and advertising employees research and develop

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