
Mental Health Services for Juveniles

The article explores the critical intersection of mental health and the juvenile justice system within the United States, emphasizing the necessity of addressing mental health issues among juvenile offenders. Beginning with an overview of the juvenile justice system, the introduction underscores the importance of mental health services in the rehabilitation process. The subsequent sections delve

Mental Health Courts

This article delves into the intricate landscape of Mental Health Courts (MHCs) within the United States criminal justice system, employing a formal scientific approach consistent with APA style guidelines. The introduction provides an insightful overview of MHCs, emphasizing their crucial role in addressing mental health concerns within the criminal justice process. The historical context section

Mental Health Considerations in Parole and Probation

This article delves into the pivotal role of mental health considerations within the context of parole and probation in the United States criminal justice system. Beginning with an exploration of the definition and significance of parole and probation, the article navigates through the multifaceted landscape of mental health assessment in these processes. It elucidates the

Mental Health Services in Corrections

This article explores the pivotal role of mental health services within the corrections system in the United States. The introduction establishes the critical context by emphasizing the intersection of mental health and the criminal justice process, underlining the significance of addressing mental health issues in correctional settings. The subsequent sections delve into key aspects, beginning

Mental Illness and the Death Penalty

Mental illness and the death penalty have been a controversial topic for decades. The U.S. Supreme Court has found that such executions are unconstitutional. Although public opinion is somewhat mixed and understudied, national societies such as the American Psychological Association oppose executing the mentally ill. The legal system asks mental health professionals to determine a

Mental Retardation and the Death Penalty

The execution of mentally retarded prisoners has been a controversial topic for decades. The U.S. Supreme Court has found, in Atkins v. Virginia (2002), that such executions are unconstitutional; this decision was partially based on the community’s evolving standards of decency. The legal system requires mental health professionals to determine whether a prisoner is mentally

Mental Health Courts

Mental health courts are specialty criminal courts with a separate docket to deal with mentally ill persons, who are disproportionately arrested and incarcerated. Established by local court and criminal justice officials who recognized that traditional prosecution and punishment were not effective deterrents with this population, these courts divert mentally ill defendants into community treatment with

Mental Health Needs of Juvenile Offenders

Recently, researchers and juvenile justice administrators have recognized that rates of mental health disorders are remarkably high among adolescent offenders. This finding carries significant implications for policy and practice. Youth justice facilities are mandated to provide necessary mental health treatment to detained adolescent offenders with mental health needs. Furthermore, mental disorders may interfere with youths’

Shared Mental Models ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The shared mental model is a term used in industrial and occupational psychology. Within the discipline  of  sport  psychology  (SP),  a  shared  mental model is commonly referred to as a shared knowledge state. This is a state in which the knowledge held  by  each  member  of  a  sports  team  about  the upcoming actions of the

Mental Toughness in Sports ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Athletes are confronted with a variety of stressors, challenges,  and  adversities,  external  (e.g.,  hostile crowds, referee errors, challenged by an opponent, sport  and  life  balance)  and  internal  (e.g.,  fatigue, self-doubt, emotional instability), which are characteristic of the training and competition contexts of  sport.  Some  athletes  manage  these  demands or  challenges  positively,  either  having  a  smooth

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