
Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook

The Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) holds a central and indispensable role in the field of school psychology. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the Buros MMY, a trusted and comprehensive resource for assessing psychological and educational tests. Beginning with its historical origins and evolution, the article elucidates the pivotal role played by the

Mental Age

Mental age, a foundational concept in the field of school psychology, has a rich history and multifaceted applications in cognitive assessment. This article delves into the significance of mental age within the context of school psychology assessment. It explores its historical evolution, theoretical underpinnings, assessment methods, interpretations, and critiques. Additionally, the article examines the contemporary

Mental Retardation and the Death Penalty

Mental retardation and the death penalty has been a controversial topic for decades. The U.S. Supreme Court has found, in Atkins v. Virginia (2002), that such executions are unconstitutional; this decision was partially based on the community’s evolving standards of decency. The legal system requires mental health professionals to determine whether a prisoner is mentally

Mental Illness and the Death Penalty

Mental illness and the death penalty have been a controversial topic for decades. The U.S. Supreme Court has found that such executions are unconstitutional. Although public opinion is somewhat mixed and understudied, national societies such as the American Psychological Association oppose executing the mentally ill. The legal system asks mental health professionals to determine a

Mental Health Consultation

This article explores the critical role of mental health consultation within the field of school psychology. It delves into the historical foundations, theoretical underpinnings, and the process of conducting mental health consultation in educational settings. Highlighting the impact of mental health consultation on students’ well-being, academic success, and school climate, the article emphasizes the need

Mental Health Courts

Mental health courts are specialty criminal courts with a separate docket to deal with mentally ill persons, who are disproportionately arrested and incarcerated. Established by local court and criminal justice officials who recognized that traditional prosecution and punishment were not effective deterrents with this population, these courts divert mentally ill defendants into community treatment with

Mental Health Needs

Recently, researchers and juvenile justice administrators have recognized that rates of mental health disorders are remarkably high among adolescent offenders. This finding carries significant implications for policy and practice. Youth justice facilities are mandated to provide necessary mental health treatment to detained adolescent offenders with mental health needs. Furthermore, mental disorders may interfere with youths’

Mental Accounting

Mental Accounting Definition Mental accounting is a theory that describes how people think about money. This theory suggests that people track and coordinate their financial activities by partitioning money into mental accounts, which are used to make spending decisions. Examples of mental accounts might include an “entertainment account” or an “education account,” each representing money

Apparent Mental Causation

Apparent Mental Causation Definition The theory of apparent mental causation outlines the conditions under which people experience a sense of consciously willing their actions. Although people often feel that their conscious thoughts cause their actions, this feeling is illusory, as both their actions and their experience of willing them arise independently from unconscious sources. People

Mental Control

Mental Control Definition Mental control refers to the ways in which people control their thoughts and emotions to remain in agreement with their goals. People engage in mental control when they suppress a thought, concentrate on a feeling or sensation, restrain an emotional response, or strive to maintain a mood. Mental control proves difficult for

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