
Mentoring in Sport

Mentoring is a process in which a mentor, who is typically more experienced or older, helps a mentee  or  protégé  grow  and  develop  in  some  way. As such, a mentor may be thought of as a guide, tutor,  counselor,  or  adviser.  In  sport  and  exercise psychology (SEP), mentoring is commonly thought of in terms of


Mentoring is an activity or relationship that occurs between two or more persons interested in advancing their knowledge, skills or position via a helping relationship. A mentoring relationship is one in which a more skilled or knowledgeable person assists another who possesses less knowledge and/or skill in a particular area. These relationships typically last beyond


This article on mentoring in school psychology offers a comprehensive examination of mentoring within the field of school psychology. It begins by defining mentoring and tracing its historical roots in education. The article delves into the theoretical foundations of mentoring, elucidating various models and frameworks while incorporating psychological theories that underpin mentoring relationships. Part 2

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