
Middle Career Stage

Early career theorists studied careers as a linear progression that generally corresponds to a person’s life span. They focused primarily on men who worked for one or two organizations, with a ladder of opportunities for promotion. In a typical career, the middle career stage is the point at which an individual attains a level of

Rhetoric in the Middle East

An overview of rhetoric in the Middle East should begin with the recognition that the terms “rhetoric” and the “Middle East” are not neutral, as they reflect the ideological and cultural values of the Occident. There is a general consensus that the notion of rhetoric, coined by Plato in the fourth century bce to define

Middle School

This article on middle school delves into the intricate intersection of developmental and educational psychology within the context of early adolescence. It provides an overview of the cognitive, emotional, and social changes occurring during the middle school years, emphasizing their profound implications for educational strategies. The article explores pertinent theories in developmental and educational psychology

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages are reckoned to run from the fourth or fifth century CE to the middle or end of the fifteenth century CE. A period of nearly 1.000 years naturally saw a great deal of change, not only politically, but also intellectually. In Western and Central Europe at least, the first part of the

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