
Mindfulness in Sports Psychology

Mindfulness  is  a  state  of  non-judging  awareness and acceptance of internal experiences. This state has been achieved through evidence-driven mindfulness-based interventions that are useful for the treatment  of  psychological  concerns  and  for  the enhancement  of  performance  among  athletes  and other  performers.  This  entry  describes  the  basic processes  associated  with  mindfulness,  the  intervention components that enhance

Mindfulness and Binge Eating Recovery

This article explores the intricate relationship between mindfulness and binge eating recovery within the domain of health psychology. The introduction delineates the concepts of mindfulness and binge eating disorder, emphasizing the salience of their intersection in fostering holistic well-being. The theoretical framework section elucidates mindfulness-based interventions, delving into their mechanisms of action and neurobiological underpinnings.

Mindfulness and Mindlessness

Mindfulness Definition What is mindfulness? Phenomenologically, it is the feeling of involvement or engagement. How do people achieve it? Learning to be mindful does not require meditation. It is the simple process of actively noticing new things. It doesn’t matter how smart or relevant the new distinctions are; just that they are novel for the

Mindfulness in Counseling

Mindfulness refers to a meditative practice most commonly associated with Buddhism that dates back to 25 centuries ago as part of the Buddha’s teachings. It has become increasingly popular in the Western world over the past 2 decades. Mindfulness meditation involves the practice of becoming fully aware of the present moment and all that is

Mindfulness and the Relaxation Response

This article explores the realms of mindfulness and the relaxation response within the context of health psychology, elucidating their definitions, origins, and physiological underpinnings. The first section outlines the historical roots of mindfulness and explores its cognitive and neurological processes, emphasizing its applications in stress reduction, pain management, and mental health. Following this, the second

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