
Staying Motivated – Fitness Women – Lifestyle

In a nationwide survey of nearly a thousand women from all fifty states, we found that “lack of motivation” was the second-biggest reason women do not work out (the first being “no time”—which my program conquers). Some said they needed a significant other to do it with them. Some said a group would motivate them.

Motivated Cognition

Motivated Cognition Definition When people think and reason, they sometimes have a vested interest in the outcome of their thinking and reasoning. For example, people engage in wishful thinking about whether or not their favorite sports team will win, or whether a relative will survive a risky surgical procedure. In these situations, people may be

Motivated Reasoning

Motivated Reasoning Definition Motivated reasoning is a form of reasoning in which people access, construct, and evaluate arguments in a biased fashion to arrive at or endorse a preferred conclusion. The term motivated in motivated reasoning refers to the fact that people use reasoning strategies that allow them to draw the conclusions they want to

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