

Culture cannot be defined simply by our ethnic background. It is also family, religion, profession, interests, gender, child-rearing practices, educational background, where we live, the food we eat, our individual uniqueness, sexual lifestyles, and more. Even though we are better understood by someone who considers our ethnic background, our own cultural definition is much broader

Multiculturalism In Sport – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Culture  refers  to  the  context  in  which  people develop their perspective on, and approach to, life. Numerous cultures exist, representing the multiple geographic  regions  and  racial,  class,  ethnic,  and gender groups across the world. Multiculturalism refers to an approach that integrates these varied perspectives into society and an awareness of how an  individual’s  cultural  background 


Multiculturalism or the political accommodation of minorities became a major demand in the last quarter of the twentieth century, filling some of the space that accommodation of the working classes occupied for a century or more earlier. It thus constitutes powerful, if diverse, intellectual challenges in several parts of the humanities and social sciences, with


The term multiculturalism refers to a perspective in which diversity in backgrounds and experiences related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, education status, and socioeconomic class is recognized. In the United States, multicultural-ism has been described as a social movement that celebrates and values pluralism, or differences between individuals and groups. From

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