
Nature and Nurture

Conceptualizations  of  the  factors  affecting  skill acquisition  and  the  demonstration  of  expertise generally  reflect  qualities  associated  with  biological factors such as genes (nature) or those related to  environmental  or  experiential  factors  such  as training and coaching (nurture). Historical Background Although  the  conceptualization  of  the  nature versus  nurture  debate  can  be  traced  at  least  to Platonic 

Human Nature, Morality, And Society

The following describes philosophical developments in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The Enlightenment Project In the wake of scientific revolution, social thinkers of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment—the philosophes—began to rethink morals and government along scientific lines. Especially in France, where the most radical ideas abounded, they rejected tradition and religion. The key question was that of

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