
Child Neglect

Many researchers believe that child neglect, or a failure to provide for some basic need of a child, is one of the most common forms of child abuse. Although society has advanced in many ways in addressing child abuse, neglect, which is related to the care of children, has not been an area that has

Medical Neglect Related to Religion and Culture

Despite the great advances of medical science over the past 150 years, there are still groups that reject one or more medical treatments because of their religious beliefs or cultural traditions. The largest of these are the Jehovah’s Witnesses, with nearly seventeen million active members worldwide; while the Jehovah’s Witnesses used to object to a

Abuse and Neglect

This article on abuse and neglect provides a comprehensive examination of the multifaceted issues surrounding the mistreatment of children, encompassing a diverse range of abuse types, their profound impact on child development, and the assessment and intervention strategies employed within the field of psychology. Part 1 explores the various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional

Omission Neglect

Omission Neglect Definition Omission neglect refers to insensitivity to missing information of all types—including unmentioned or unknown options, alternatives, features, properties, characteristics, possibilities, and events. When people fail to think about what they do not know, they underestimate the importance of missing information, and this leads people to form strong opinions even when the available

Elder Neglect

Current estimates suggest that 1 million to 2 million American’s older than age 65 have been abused, neglected, or exploited by someone with whom they have placed their trust. Although standards may vary across cultures regarding the level of respect, attention, and support provided to the elderly, all cultures recognize the increased vulnerability that occurs

Child Neglect

There are many children in our society who go through the day without eating or who fail to receive adequate medical services when ill. Others reside in homes without running water or electricity or homes infested with rodents and roaches. At times, young children are left at home without adequate supervision and are often responsible

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