
Journalism: Normative Theories

Normative theories of journalism concern ideal functions of the press, what the press should do. These purposes are best understood in relation to larger claims about the good society. In principle, there are as many normative theories of journalism as there are political systems, from Marxism–Leninism to diverse conceptions of democracy. Nonacademics as well as

Normative Theories

Psychologists who have advanced normative theories of management have typically advocated highly participative processes for making decisions. The principal basis for such prescriptions is the motivational benefit that results from a leader involving group members in decision making. In spite of this advocacy, reviews of the literature suggest a much more mixed picture of the

Normative Influence

Normative Influence Definition Normative influence refers to the fact that people sometimes change their behavior, thoughts, or values to be liked and accepted by others. This results in conformity, in the form of individuals altering their utterances or demeanor to be more like what they perceive to be the norm. At the individual level, pivotal

Normative vs. Ipsative Measurement

Normative and ipsative measurements are different rating scales usually used in personality or attitudinal questionnaires. Normative measures provide inter-individual differences assessment, whereas ipsative measures provide intraindividual differences assessment. Normative measurement is very popular and prominent in the United States, and ipsative measurement is getting wider use in Europe and Asia. Normative measurement usually presents one

Normative Issues

Normative issues are those based on intrapersonal and interpersonal concerns that could be expected to occur in the course of a life. When people think about issues that might compel someone to seek professional help, they often envision severe and potentially even life-threatening issues such as major depression, extreme anxiety, addiction, mania, debilitating phobias, and

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