
Healthy Diet for November 17 – Going Bananas ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Simple to enjoy, great to pack and carry, healthful to eat—bananas are among America’s most popular fruits. On average, American consumers eat about 84 bananas yearly! What’s under the peel? Among other substances, potassium, which helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke; vitamin C, not only an immunity builder, but an antioxidant

Healthy Diet for November 18 – Flying High ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Traveling home for the holidays? Give thought to airport and airline food and drink. In-flight food service may be only a small bag of dry snacks and a beverage, even if you fly over mealtime. Pack these thoughts as you pack your bags: Tuck nonperishable snacks into your carry-on bag: dried fruit, crackers and cheese

Healthy Diet for November 19 – Turkey Talk ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

It’s nearly Thanksgiving and time to talk turkey—turkey safety, that is! For your meal to bring only compliments, keep turkey flavorful and safe. Keep clean. Before and after handling raw turkey and its parts, always wash your hands in warm, soapy water. Keep your utensils and work surfaces clean, too. Thaw safely—in the fridge, on

Healthy Diet for November 21 – Buffet Bug Bite? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Entertaining this season? Serve carefully so “buffet bugs” won’t bite your guests! That’s important for everyone, especially those at higher risk (pregnant women, young children, older guests, or any guest dealing with cancer, HIV or AIDS, or other immunity problems). You might not know who’s at risk. Buffets are perfect breeding grounds for bacteria that

Healthy Diet for November 22 -The Family Table ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Can you get your family together at mealtime at least a few times a week? Research shows that family meals promote healthier eating— more fruits, vegetables, and fiber; less fried food; often fewer calories. And they do far more than put healthful food on the table. In our haste to get meals prepared, we may

Healthy Diet for November 3 – Sandwich in Variety ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Tired of packing the same old sandwich for work? Today is Sandwich Day, honoring the seventeenth-century British Earl of Sandwich, who, as legend goes, demanded one-handed meals during his card gambling spree. A perfect day for creative sandwich making! Make over your lunch sandwiches for more flavor and nutrition. Pick a great wrapper: whole-wheat, tomato

Healthy Diet for November 4 – Cross-Train, Less Pain ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Suffer ongoing soreness? Losing interest in your physical activity routine? Want to take your fitness level up a notch? Then cross-train. Why cross-train? By adding variety to your workout, you work different muscles, which helps make your whole body stronger, more flexible, and perhaps more it. You won’t strain the same muscles, bones, and joints

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