
Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory

The Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory (HALL), first published in 1968, was developed by Lacy G. Hall to provide a more complete assessment of work-related personality variables than do the extant standardized interest inventories. Hall based the development of this inventory on the humanistic personality need theory elaborated by Abraham Maslow and adapted by Anne Roe

Sexual Orientation and Careers

Although gay men and lesbians constitute between 4 percent and 17 percent of the workforce, a larger proportion than many other minority groups, they remain an understudied population that is often “invisible” in the careers literature. It is important to understand the unique challenges faced by lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals in the workplace and


In common usage, to orient oneself is to locate oneself in respect to points of reference. In an organizational setting, orientation is the process of assisting individuals in locating themselves with respect to the organization’s culture, values, vision, mission, goals, structure, and procedures. While typical notions of orientation begin with the new member’s entrance into

Orientation and Mobility Specialist Career

Orientation and mobility specialists help people with disabilities stay actively involved in society. They teach blind, visually impaired, and disabled individuals how to master the skills necessary to live independently and often encourage them to participate in various educa­tional or recreational programs. Specialists also serve as a source of information, referring clients to financial aid

Sexual Orientation and Violence in High School

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) and other sexual minority young people tend to experience more bullying, violence, and harassment at school than their heterosexual peers. Victimization based on sexual orientation is often exacerbated in the cases of gender-nonconforming and transgendered students, students of color, and rural students. To prevent violence against LGB students in schools

Sexual Orientation and Violence in College

Individuals who identify themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered (GLBT) tend to report that college campuses are less than fully comfortable places and that they are often fearful of harassment and physical violence. Verbal harassment of such students is extremely common, and physical aggression against them also occurs regularly. Students often report having to

Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory

The Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory (HOOI) is an ambitious undertaking designed to aid career and personal exploration through the self-assessment of needs, values, interests, and abilities. Resembling a psychometric one-stop shop, items cover more dimensions at once than other tools used for similar exploratory purposes. The HOOI was originally published in 1968 in three forms:

Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation describes a person’s sexual or affectional attraction to another person specifically identified by gender, either opposite sex (heterosexually oriented), same sex (homosexually oriented), or both sexes (bisexually oriented). This entry focuses on sexual orientation as applied to a same-sex orientation or a bisexual orientation. Sexual Orientation and Career Counseling Only 30 years ago

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