
Origin of Neo-Darwinism

What is the theoretical framework of modern biology? If we would question a professional biologist, or even an eager reader of popular books on biology, we would await the answer: Darwinism, that is, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. But this answer is not entirely precise. Of course, Darwin’s position in the history

Origin of Life

One of the questions that has troubled humankind ever since it began to think about its position in the universe concerns its own origin and the origin of life in general. There are two basic alternatives for answering this question. Either we believe that life has a supernatural origin (such as being created by a

Origin of Language

Language represents a fundamental character of modern humans, Homo sapiens. All animals engage in some form of communication. For example, single-cell organisms may relate to individuals around them via chemicals, whereas birds prefer more vocal communication. Researchers who study communication in nonhuman animals, such as Sue Savage-Rumbaugh (in bonobos) and Irene Pepperberg (in parrots), may

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