
Life/Career Paradigm

The traditional view of career, what one does on the job at work and the sequence of work-related positions throughout a person’s work history, has given rise to a holistic paradigm called career/life that includes the time and energy put into multiple roles simultaneously played throughout one’s life. Each role has the potential of positive

Dual-Task Paradigm – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

It  has  been  known  for  a  long  time  that  there  are significant  limitations  in  the  human  capability  to attend to and perform two or more tasks concurrently.  Observations  of  the  performance  errors arising from the simultaneous performance of multiple tasks date back at least to the late 19th century and form the basis for cognitive


“Paradigm” refers to a fundamental set of assumptions about reality and the appropriate ways of studying it. A discipline is said to be paradigmatic when there is general agreement within it as to basic statements of fact, background knowledge, research practices, warrants for claims and evidence, and criteria for accepting new knowledge. Applied originally to

Paradigm Shift

An important intellectual shift has taken place in the sociology of religion as many of its longest held theoretical positions, passed down from the founders of the field, have been overturned. These changes have been so dramatic and far-reaching that Warner (1993, p. 1044) identified them “as a paradigm shift in progress,” an assessment that

Dual-Task Paradigm

It  has  been  known  for  a  long  time  that  there  are significant  limitations  in  the  human  capability  to attend to and perform two or more tasks concurrently.  Observations  of  the  performance  errors arising from the simultaneous performance of multiple tasks date back at least to the late 19th century and form the basis for cognitive

Positivist Paradigm

Positivism emerged as a philosophical paradigm in the 19th century with Auguste Comte’s rejection of meta-physics and his assertion that only scientific knowledge can reveal the truth about reality. It was later formally established as the dominant scientific method in the early part of the 20th century by members of the Vienna Circle, including Gustav

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