
Parenting Satisfaction Scale (PSS)

Child rearing has always been one of life’s major challenges and potential sources of self-fulfillment. In today’s world, divorce and unwed parenthood often alter parenting time and commitment for both parents, and attractive occupational options or excessive job requirements may affect motivation, time, or energy available for parenting. Connections between parental attitudes and child-rearing behaviors

Parenting Stress Index (PSI)

The Parenting Stress Index (PSI), developed by Richard Abidin in 1976, is a screening and diagnostic assessment tool commonly used to measure the magnitude of stress in the parent-child system. Abidin describes several potential uses of the PSI including screening for the early identification of parenting and family characteristics that fail to produce normal development

Parenting and Sport ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The   developmental   psychologist   Jacquelynne Eccles  suggested  that  parents  influence  their  children’s  involvement  in  sport  in  three  ways:  as providers,  role  models,  and  interpreters.  Parents provide children with opportunities to participate in  sport  by  signing  them  up  for  programs,  transporting them to practices and matches, paying registration  fees,  and  so  on.  Parents  can  act  as  role

Transformational Parenting ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Just as businesses and organizations require effective  leadership  behaviors  in  order  to  grow  and develop successfully, it has been suggested that the same  is  required  within  families  in  order  to  foster  a  family  climate  that  promotes  healthy  child development.  Although  a  range  of  predictors  are associated with child and adolescent health, arguably  the  family  (and 

Parenting and Sport

The   developmental   psychologist   Jacquelynne Eccles  suggested  that  parents  influence  their  children’s  involvement  in  sport  in  three  ways:  as providers,  role  models,  and  interpreters.  Parents provide children with opportunities to participate in  sport  by  signing  them  up  for  programs,  transporting them to practices and matches, paying registration  fees,  and  so  on.  Parents  can  act  as  role

Parenting Stress Index

The Parenting Stress Index, 3rd Ed. (PSI) is a norm-referenced test developed by Richard R. Abidin. The PSI assesses for dysfunction in the parent-child relationship and is based on a theory that the level of stress in the parent-child dyad is the result of child, parent, and situational characteristics. The PSI attempts to identify parental


Parenting, a fundamental aspect of human development, plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our societies. This article explores the multifaceted realm of parenting from historical perspectives to contemporary research findings. It delves into the various parenting styles, including authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved, dissecting their characteristics and consequences for child development. The

Parenting Stress Index

The Parenting Stress Index (PSI), developed by Richard Abidin in 1976, is a screening and diagnostic assessment tool commonly used to measure the magnitude of stress in the parent-child system. Abidin describes several potential uses of the PSI including screening for the early identification of parenting and family characteristics that fail to produce normal development

Parenting Satisfaction Scale

Child rearing has always been one of life’s major challenges and potential sources of self-fulfillment. In today’s world, divorce and unwed parenthood often alter parenting time and commitment for both parents, and attractive occupational options or excessive job requirements may affect motivation, time, or energy available for parenting. Connections between parental attitudes and child-rearing behaviors

Authoritarian Parenting Style

Authoritarian style is one of the three original parenting styles Diana Baumrind recognized. In describing parenting styles, Baumrind identified two dimensions of parenting. The first relates to how demanding parents are. This element speaks to parents’ levels of strictness or supervision. The other dimension Baumrind acknowledged relates to how responsive parents are. In other words

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