
Pediatric Psychology ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Pediatric psychology, the interface of health psychology and clinical child psychology, has grown over the past 35 years to become an independently recognized field. Pediatric psychology explores the interrelationship between the psychological and physical well-being of children, adolescents, and families, attending to developmental processes and physical, cognitive, social, and emotional functioning as they relate to

Pediatric Pain Management Strategies

This article on pediatric pain management strategies delves into the multidimensional nature of addressing pain in children, emphasizing the integration of biological, psychological, and social factors. Beginning with an exploration of pediatric pain’s developmental nuances, the biopsychosocial approach is dissected, detailing biological aspects, pharmacological interventions, cognitive-behavioral strategies, and psychosocial support. The subsequent section illuminates non-pharmacological

Pediatric Psychology in Chronic Pain Management

This article explores the role of pediatric psychology in the management of chronic pain among pediatric patients. The introduction delves into the essence of pediatric psychology and underscores the prevalence and impact of chronic pain in the pediatric population, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to its management. The first section examines the significance

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