
Person Matching

One of the first and even now most-used tools of career counselors is the interest inventory. Inventories currently in use may be described as taking either of two approaches. One tells a person the relative strengths of his or her interests; the other tells the person what occupations have similar interests as his or hers.

Person Memory

Researchers who study person memory examine how perceivers store and recall information about a social target in order to understand how that information is structured in the perceiver’s mind. Understanding the structure and organization of social information is important because it influences the way we perceive and process subsequently encountered targets, making it a crucial

Person Matching

One of the first and even now most-used tools of career counselors is the interest inventory. Inventories currently in use may be described as taking either of two approaches. One tells a person the relative strengths of his or her interests; the other tells the person what occupations have similar interests as his or hers.

Person Perception

Person Perception Definition Person perception refers to a general tendency to form impressions of other people. Some forms of person perception occur indirectly and require inferring information about a person based on observations of behaviors or based on second-hand information. Other forms of person perception occur more directly and require little more than seeing another

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