
Personality Assessment and Careers

The term personality typically refers to one’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving. In addition to the stable, trait-like features often evoked by this construct (e.g., sociability, dominance, modesty), many theories also emphasize the roles of culture, family, and other environmental factors involved in personality expression and development. This predominant individual differences variable has

Personality Tests and Sports

Personality is typically defined as a person’s distinctive and enduring (i.e., cross-situational) thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the person’s reactions to life situations. Personality traits are  also  defined  as  specific  properties  that  predispose a person to react in certain ways in given classes  of  situations—sport,  for  example.  Some personality  traits  are  genetically  determined  and

Personality Traits And Exercise

In the past 30 years, personality researchers have amassed  a  considerable  body  of  evidence  to  support  the  importance  of  traits  as  crucial  determinants  of  behavior.  This  research  has  shown  that personality  is  structured  similarly  across  over  50 cultures,  shows  evidence  of  genetic  heritability, has high stability across time, and does not relate strongly  to  parental 

Personality Traits and Risk for Heart Disease

This article explores the intricate relationship between personality traits and the risk for heart disease within the realm of health psychology. The introduction elucidates the significance of understanding personality in the context of health and outlines the purpose of the article. The body of the article is divided into three sections, each delving into specific

Personality Disorders

Personality disorders (PDs) pose a major challenge to the modern profession of mental health care. Unlike depression, anxiety, and other disorders that are more commonly the focus of treatment, personality disorders are generally understood to be pervasive, inflexible, maladaptive, and enduring expressions of personality. People with PDs exact a heavy cost from themselves and society

Personality Judgments Accuracy

The accuracy of personality judgments refers to an area of research in which people evaluate the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of themselves or others and the correctness of their evaluations are determined. The determination of accuracy, or correctness, is a constant challenge for researchers because it is often unclear what to use as the standard

Big Five Traits of Personality

Personality traits are characteristic behaviors, thoughts, and feelings of an individual that tend to occur across diverse situations and are relatively stable over time. Given this broad definition, literally thousands of personality traits can be identified. For the better part of 100 years, personality researchers have attempted to create a standard taxonomy, or organizing structure


Despite the fact that many scholars have offered formal definitions of personality for almost 100 years, no consensus on any single definition has been achieved. In fact, a survey of 50 textbooks devoted to the study of personality would quite likely result in 50 distinct definitions of the term. Perhaps the reason that scholars have

Personality Assessment

Personality assessment is the process of gathering information about an individual to make inferences about personal characteristics including thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Raymond B. Cattell identified three primary sources of obtaining such personality information: life-data, information collected from objective records; test-data, information obtained in constructed situations where a person’s behavior can be observed and objectively

Multicultural Personality

The multicultural personality refers to a constellation of traits, attitudes, and behaviors that predispose individuals to adapt successfully to culturally diverse environments. The conceptual roots of the multicultural personality can be traced to work in clinical psychology and counseling psychology in the United States and personnel psychology in the Netherlands. Manuel Ramirez, working in the

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