
Wolfian Perspective in Cultural Anthropology

Eric Wolf viewed culture as a web of relations, constantly changing over time. Power on the endpoints of the relationships is unequal, so that European merchants, for example, altered political arrangements in West Africa by trading guns for slaves, but relationships are mutually causal, and change extends in both directions. Nor is this a matter

Global Perspective on Child Abuse

Child abuse and neglect affects millions worldwide, and the issues surrounding this social problem are remarkably similar regardless of economic resources or political structure. However, although this tragic social issue exists in most countries, the kinds of abuse and neglect and the ways they are defined, prevented, and treated vary significantly from country to country.

Pictorial Perspective

Perspective refers to the graphic representation on a flat surface of an optical sense of depth associated with natural stereoscopic vision. This translation of three-dimensional visual perception onto a two-dimensional picture plane is accomplished through a variety of techniques for composing the pictorial space, including: (1) diminishing scale, (2) the occlusion of figures and shapes

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