
Private Practice Career Counseling

Career counselors working in private practice typically provide services to individual and organizational clients. The services most often rendered to individuals include assistance with career decision making and planning, coaching, and securing employment. Organizations most often retain private practitioners to assist with staffing decisions, developing succession plans and programs, and outplacement. Many career counselors’ private

Tantra Yoga Practice ⋆ Tantra Yoga ⋆ Lifestyle

The safe and successful practice of Tantrism requires a carefully laid yogic foundation. Without such preparation, gurus warn that certain dangers may lurk along the way for the unwary. At best, they say, the sadhana will not bear fruit. This is especially true as regards the central discipline of Shaktism, the Panchatattva or Secret Ritual.

Communities of Practice

Communities of practice are groups of people who share similar interests and objectives. In pursuing these interests and objectives, they make use of common practices, work with similar artifacts, and use a common language (Wenger 1998). The concept of community of practice was first coined by Lave and Wenger (1991), when discussing learning processes within

Practice in Sports – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Practice  typically  comprises  activities  that  are designed  to  help  a  person  acquire  a  new  skill, improve in an already acquired skill, or maintain a  skill.  Practice  can  be  deliberate  and  engaged  in for  a  specific  purpose  (such  as  attaining  a  speed or  accuracy  goal)  or  it  can  be  more  incidental  in nature,  potentially  engaged  in 

Physicians’ Dual Practice – Health Economics – iResearchNet

Dual practice among doctors, which the literature often refers to as dual (or multiple) job-holding among health workers, is a phenomenon that can be observed in most countries with both public and private health care systems. The term ‘multiple job-holding’ is defined as working simultaneously in more than one paid job. Any worker can hold

Practice in Sports

Practice  typically  comprises  activities  that  are designed  to  help  a  person  acquire  a  new  skill, improve in an already acquired skill, or maintain a  skill.  Practice  can  be  deliberate  and  engaged  in for  a  specific  purpose  (such  as  attaining  a  speed or  accuracy  goal)  or  it  can  be  more  incidental  in nature,  potentially  engaged  in 

Rural Practice Challenges

The United States defines “rural” communities as those of 2,500 people or fewer. A more natural definition is tied to population density: People who live in geographically isolated, low-population areas where occupations are tied to natural resources have more in common with each other than they do with people in cities and towns of any

Private Practice Career Counseling

Career counselors working in private practices typically provide services to individual and organizational clients. The services most often rendered to individuals include assistance with career decision making and planning, coaching, and securing employment. Organizations most often retain private practitioners to assist with staffing decisions, developing succession plans and programs, and outplacement. Many career counselors’ private

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