
Hardy-Weinberg Principle

Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection requires heritable variation for selection to work on. In Darwin’s time, thinking about heritability centered on the idea of “blending inheritance”—the hypothesis that the offspring receive some average mix of the parental characters. If this were true, each generation would be more average than the last and variation

Anthropic Principle

The anthropic (or, literally, human-centered) principle entails several propositions, all focusing on the relationship, if any, between the natural physical universe and the existence of human beings in this universe. It grew out of discussions in astronomy and cosmology, where some argued that the existence of life in the universe automatically set constraints on how

Scarcity Principle

Scarcity Principle Definition According to the scarcity principle, objects become more attractive when there are not very many of them. This scarcity may be either real or imagined. People assume that because others appear to want something, and it is in short supply, it must be valuable. In a classic demonstration of the scarcity principle

Premack Principle

The Premack Principle, a fundamental concept in psychology, posits that higher probability behaviors can be employed to reinforce lower probability behaviors. This article delves into the origins and historical development of the Premack Principle, elucidating its core principles, and highlighting its significance in the realm of psychology. Subsequently, it explores the extensive research conducted on

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