
Journalists: Professional Associations

Joining a professional journalist association usually requires gaining one’s main livelihood by working fulltime in the editorial department of a media organization. News gathering may involve documentation, detective work, outright research, or combining findings from existing databases. Other specialists such as photographers, technicians, designers, and the like are central to producing content but are not

Professional Training ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Individuals  preparing  for  a  career  in  sport  and exercise  psychology  (SEP)  have  traditionally  followed  one  of  two  educational  paths,  training  in kinesiology  or  training  in  psychology.  In  keeping with  most  international  credentialing  guidelines for certification or licensure of SEP professionals, both educational paths typically feature substantial coursework  in  the  other  discipline,  reflecting  the interdisciplinary  nature 

Continuing Professional Education

Continuing professional education (CPE), or continuing education, is the education of professionals in a variety of fields and practice that offers preparation for a particular career or extends the individual’s knowledge and learning within a profession. CPE helps learners keep their knowledge current, build competencies, progress through a career, achieve promotions, and even shift into

Use of the Professional Override

The underlying assumption of the professional override when applied to offender risk assessment is simple. After completing a structured, statistically based or actuarial assessment on a specific individual, the professional who is conducting the assessment may have what is believed to be additional, relevant information that was not taken into consideration when conducting the structured

Professional Sports

According to the ideal type suggested by Freidson (2001), sport does not exhibit all of the characteristics of a profession. Unlike archetypal high status professions (e.g., medicine) in which the practitioners rather than governments or markets exert significant control over their labor, professional athletes work in cartels and oligopolies where they must respond to the

Structured Professional Judgment

Structured professional judgment (SPJ) is a formal method of evaluating the risk of future violence. Such evaluations are required in numerous contexts, such as parole decisions, release from forensic hospitals, civil commitment, when violence threatens the workplace, among others. Originating in the mid-1990s, the SPJ approach consists of a family of risk assessment measures devoted

Market for Professional Nurses in the US – Health Economics – iResearchNet

The nursing workforce in the US is comprised of both professional nurses and nonprofessional workers. Professional nurses typically complete nursing education in a hospital-based diploma program, community college or university and are registered and licensed by the state to practice nursing. Professional nurses also include advanced practice nurses (APRNs) who are registered nurses (RNs) that

Professional Athlete Career (Team Sports)

Professional athletic teams compete against one another to win titles, championships, and series; team members are paid salaries and bonuses for their work. Team sports include football, basketball, hockey, baseball, and soccer. The Olympic Games are generally credited as being the first instance of organized sports. Historians believe that they actually began as early as

Professional Athlete Career (Individual Sports)

In contrast with amateur athletes who play or compete in amateur circles for titles or trophies only, professional athletes participate in individual sports such as tennis, figure skating, golf, running, or boxing, competing against others to win prizes and money. The origin of the first recreational activity—or sport—is not known. It can be assumed, however

Professional Associations

The American Counseling Association (ACA) is the primary organization to which professional counselors belong. The association includes 19 divisions, 56 branches, and 5 professional partners (i.e., affiliated organizations). Approximately 45,000 counselors from the United States and 50 other countries belong to ACA. The headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia. According to the association’s bylaws, their mission

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