
Protective Orders and Privacy Concerns

This article explores the intricate intersection of protective orders and privacy concerns within the US criminal justice process. Beginning with an overview of protective orders, including their definitions and overarching purposes, the discussion delves into the critical role they play in safeguarding victims and witnesses. The article then scrutinizes the delicate balance between privacy rights

Protective and Restraining Orders

Protective and restraining orders may be used in a variety of family violence situations. These protective and restraining orders are issued by a court to a specific person directing that person to stay away from or refrain from contacting the victim or victims. Protective and restraining orders can be used in other situations, but this

Definition of Protective Factors

Protective factors or strength factors represent conditions that reduce the likelihood an individual will engage in antisocial behaviors. On the contrary, criminogenic risk factors represent characteristics of an individual or his or her circumstances that increase the likelihood of engaging in criminal or other antisocial activities. A history of conduct disorder, school failure, substance abuse

Protective Factors and Relationship to Risk

Identifying and treating the problems or factors related to criminal and violent behavior are important for both prevention and intervention. Likewise, identifying and increasing protective factors—those factors that make it less likely that an individual will engage in criminal or violent behaviors—are developing strengths in significance. This article reviews the rationale for considering protective factors

Resilience and Protective Factors

Resilience, a fundamental psychological trait, plays a pivotal role in the well-being and success of school-age children. This article explores the concept of resilience within the context of school psychology, delving into its definition, historical roots, and theoretical underpinnings. Additionally, it examines protective factors, both within and beyond school settings, that promote resilience among students.

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