
Transcultural Psychiatry

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that is concerned with the study, prevention, and treatment of mental disorder (aka mental illness and psychopathology). Transcultural psychiatry is an increasingly important specialty of psychiatry that focuses on cultural aspects of mental disorder and psychiatric practice. It has also been referred to as comparative psychiatry, cross-cultural psychiatry and

Sport Psychiatry ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Like  sport  psychology  (SP),  the  field  of  sport psychiatry  may  involve  utilization  of  psychological  approaches  to  enhance  athletic  performance. However,  a  primary  focus  of  sport  psychiatry  is diagnosis  and  treatment  of  mental  illness  in  athletes. Sport psychiatry is a relatively new field, and as such, the research base is still developing. This entry reviews the

Sport Psychiatry

Like  sport  psychology  (SP),  the  field  of  sport psychiatry  may  involve  utilization  of  psychological  approaches  to  enhance  athletic  performance. However,  a  primary  focus  of  sport  psychiatry  is diagnosis  and  treatment  of  mental  illness  in  athletes. Sport psychiatry is a relatively new field, and as such, the research base is still developing. This entry reviews the

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