
Quantitative Methodology

The results of polls tell us how many people intend to vote for a certain political party, watch TV more than four hours a day, or favor a certain TV program. We call methods of collecting and analyzing such data “quantitative methodology” because individuals’ attributes are counted in large numbers. One can count not only

Quantitative Content Analysis

Quantitative content analysis is an empirical method used in the social sciences primarily for analyzing recorded human communication in a quantitative, systematic, and intersubjective way. This material can include newspaper articles, films, advertisements, interview transcripts, or observational protocols, for instance. Thus, a quantitative content analysis can be applied to verbal material, and also to visual

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research approaches increase our knowledge by gathering data that can be manipulated mathematically. This allows us to answer questions about the meanings of psychological concepts, as well as to deter-mine their levels and variability as well as the relationships among them. Quantitative research approaches may be contrasted with qualitative approaches, which tend to collect

Quantitative Methodologies

Quantitative methodologies can be generally defined as the various procedures used to examine differences between groups and relationships between variables with respect to quantifiable phenomena. The list of potentially quantifiable phenomena is immense and includes any type of behavior, attitude, perception, knowledge domain, or other extant characteristic that can be measured numerically. Quantitative methodologies are

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