
Racial Bias and the Death Penalty

The issue of racial bias in death penalty has long been a significant concern in the system of capital punishment. Many studies across the United States have found the race of the defendant (combined with the race of the victim) to be a salient predictor of juror decision making in capital cases, with Black defendants

Racial Discrimination

Forty years have passed since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal to engage in racial employment discrimination in the United States. Many scholars agree that this enactment has played a significant role in reducing this type of discrimination. Indeed, all accounts seem to suggest that blatant or outright prejudice is seen infrequently

Racial Profiling

Racial profiling in law enforcement is the practice of stopping, searching, or arresting a suspect based on racial characteristics on the assumption that members of minority racial or ethnic groups are more likely to commit certain crimes. There is general agreement that race alone cannot be a basis for a stop or search but that

Racial Disparities in Drug Enforcement

This article delves into the intricate landscape of racial disparities within the United States criminal justice process, with a specific focus on drug enforcement. Providing a historical overview of drug enforcement policies and legislative acts, the first section highlights the evolution of strategies that have shaped the contemporary scenario. The subsequent section meticulously examines current

Racial Disparities in Death Penalty Cases

This article explores the persistent issue of racial disparities within the death penalty process in the United States, employing a historical and analytical lens. The introduction sets the stage by offering a concise overview of the death penalty’s context and acknowledging the broader racial inequities in the criminal justice system. The historical context section delves

Racial Disparities in Bail and Pretrial Detention

This article explores the pervasive issue of racial disparities in bail and pretrial detention within the United States criminal justice system. Beginning with an introduction delineating the significance of bail and pretrial detention, the article delves into an examination of empirical studies highlighting racial disparities in bail decision-making, analyzing the impact of legal and policy

Overview of Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice

This article delves into the pervasive issue of racial disparities within the United States criminal justice system, examining the multifaceted aspects from arrest to incarceration. The introduction provides context for the significance of this concern within the broader criminal justice framework. The first section meticulously scrutinizes the causes of racial disparities in arrest rates, probing

Racial Profiling and Policing

This article explores the intricate dimensions of racial profiling and policing within the United States criminal justice process. Beginning with a historical analysis, it traces the origins and evolution of racial profiling in policing, highlighting pivotal events shaping its persistence in contemporary society. Delving into legal and ethical considerations, the article examines the Fourth Amendment’s

Racial Bias and Discrimination in Criminal Justice

This article delves into the pervasive issue of racial bias and discrimination within the United States criminal justice system. Tracing its roots through historical epochs, from the legacy of slavery to the Jim Crow era and the Civil Rights Movement, the narrative unfolds to explore contemporary manifestations of racial bias in policing, pretrial processes, and

Racial Real Estate Steering

Racial real estate steering occurs when home seekers are guided by housing providers to communities where their race is already highly concentrated. So as racial minorities are channeled to integrated or predominantly non white neighborhoods and whites are shown homes primarily in white communities, steering con tributes directly to the segregated housing pat terns  that

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