
Jury Administration Reforms

Over the past half-century, courts have implemented a host of reforms to the administrative processes involved in qualifying and summoning prospective jurors for jury service. These reforms have largely focused on improving the demographic representation of the jury pool and alleviating the burden of jury service on citizens. This entry describes the legal and theoretical

Jury Reforms

Over the past 15 years, courts have begun implementing a host of reforms to the jury system in response to growing criticism about jurors’ competence to decide cases. Of particular concern was the ability of jurors to set aside preexisting biases and to understand increasingly complex evidence and legal principles. This entry describes the efforts

Jury Reforms

Over the past 15 years, courts have begun implementing a host of reforms to the jury system in response to growing criticism about jurors’ competence to decide cases. Of particular concern was the ability of jurors to set aside preexisting biases and to understand increasingly complex evidence and legal principles. This article describes the efforts undertaken

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