
Cognitive Representations of Illness ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

How do people understand and think about (“mentally represent”) health and illness? What rules govern the way people create, maintain, and modify conceptions of their own and others’ health status? How do the cognitive processes and structures of illness representations affect individuals’ emotional and behavioral responses to health threats? Such questions form the core of

Sensorimotor Representations ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

In  anatomical  terms,  sensation  and  movement are each represented across distributed regions in the  human  brain.  Somatosensory  information— that  is,  information  pertaining  to  sensation  of the  body—is  gathered  from  the  environment  and transmitted  to  the  brain  via  the  spinal  cord  and via  the  thalamus,  from  where  it  is  distributed  to three  regions  of  the  parietal 

Cognitive Representations in Chronic Pain

This article explores the intricate relationship between cognitive representations and chronic pain within the framework of health psychology. Beginning with an introduction to the concept of chronic pain and its widespread implications, the thesis asserts the crucial role of understanding cognitive representations in effective pain management. The first section defines and establishes the theoretical framework

Illness Representations in Terminal Conditions

This article delves into the intricate interplay between illness representations and terminal conditions within the realm of health psychology. It commences with an elucidation of illness representations, emphasizing their pivotal role in shaping individuals’ cognitive and emotional responses to health challenges. The introduction further underscores the unique significance of terminal conditions, acknowledging the profound impact

Sensorimotor Representations

In  anatomical  terms,  sensation  and  movement are each represented across distributed regions in the  human  brain.  Somatosensory  information— that  is,  information  pertaining  to  sensation  of the  body—is  gathered  from  the  environment  and transmitted  to  the  brain  via  the  spinal  cord  and via  the  thalamus,  from  where  it  is  distributed  to three  regions  of  the  parietal 

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